Michael jackson Second Ghost SIGHTING/SOUNDING and LIVE seance

Dowlnoad liv While working on an upcoming breaking news story about Michael Jackson, investigative reporter and freelance journalist Chris Herget was reviewing news clips and couldn’t help but notice the ghostly silhouette reflected in the window of Dr. Neil Ratner’s home. Ratner had accompanied Jackson on tour and was interviewed by CNN at his home in upstate New York, and at the end of the interview a shadow of a figure wearing a fedora suddenly appears in the window and it seems to be waving a hand. Dr. Neil Ratner interview

Herget will be posting the 1st in a series of stories she has been working on since last week following the news that clairvoyant and spiritual medium Dr. Christian von Lahr claims to have connected with Michael Jackson during a radio interview. The story will premiere on Phantoms and Monsters this week and a link to the story will be included in an upcoming subscriber email.

Last Saturday on Coast to Coast am, a popular late night talk show, Ian Punnett interviewed von Lahr who surprised the host by revealing that Michael Jackson had contacted him via the astral plane shortly after his death, and expressed his wish to be channeled for the show.

For nearly an hour the guest toggled back and forth between his own responses and Jackson’s. While speaking beyond the grave is highly controversial, there were a number of things that were said which have since been proven, and some information has not yet been revealed by traditional media but seems to rings true. Jackson (through von Lahr) revealed that he had prepared a family trust account, spoke directly to members of his family and even thanked Oprah Winfrey. He thanked host Punnett as well, quipping that he now has more air time than the host and described a new dance move he calls “the swirl.”

He was confused about the time of his death, saying “… the oxygen tank was 1/2 empty. Did it run out? There’s something wrong with the air… it wasn’t.. I wasn’t gone eight.. eight or eighteen? I’m not sure when I passed. There’s something wrong with that.” Herget talked with Dr. von Lahr at great length on Friday and learned more information from last Saturday that was not broadcast on the show. More details about this, a complete transcript and the conversation Herget had with an inventor who met with Jackson’s handlers in February to discuss an alternative therapy for the star will be forthcoming later.

Listen to the recording and a live seance with Micheal Jackson from a world renown physic this monday night MONDAY NIGHT AT 11PM EASTERN TIME RUMERZ RADIO HISTORY WILL BE MADE LIVE SEANCE WITH MICHEAL JACKSONS GHOST ,,, BEYOND THE GRAVE AT NEVERLAND!!!

